Mar 26, 2012

The Weekly YouTube Vote (Spoken Word Series)

This is another favorite poem by Blair Wingo, I think you'll like check it out. CLICK: 

This poet's video is about the mask people wear in public while their life tells a different story, truly reflective of the high school scene concerning domestic violence if you think about it. CLICK:

Please watch, enjoy and vote for your favorite "Smooth Poetry" youtubes.  For more online videos or more information about "Spoken Word Poetry" or PC4M feel free to visit YouTube and type "Spoken Word Poetry"in the search box  go to

This Ralonda Green, saying don't forget to vote, Jesus loves you and signing out!...

Trayvon's parents on Anderson Cooper & Black Pathers' voice out

This an interview on Anderson Cooper's Talk Show with Trayvon Martin's father and mother discussing their son, the case, and their loss and pain.

Love, mercy, forgiveness, and truth is the real justice that needs to be sought after, not hate or violence or revenge. The Black Panther organization is NOT what Trayvon Martin's family is in need of right now. The family needs people that will be there for them-- for the right reason -- during this tragic period in their lives.

They wish for a 'proper" investigation into their son's case, and for certain parties to be held accountable for their part in either the incident or any actions taking place after the fact.  Accuracy should be the goal of both the police department, the justice system, and news media -- NOT sensationalism/ratings.

If there is more to this Florida case than what is being told, then it should be disclosed.  If there was any fowl-play regarding events taken place involving Martin and Mark Zimmerman -- then let the truth -- whole truth be brought forth. 

BUT -- let not emotions get so wrapped-up, or so high that it clouds sound judgement, detours us from God's love, leading us down a path to destruction -- America can not afford that to be entrapped by a web of fear and hate, and neither can Martin's family.  

Let us not do what the Black Panthers are advocating, but lets bring forth justice through the love of God and the power of Jesus Christ...

This has been Ralonda Green, saying Jesus loves you and signing out!

CNN interviews Roland Martin on Trayon shooting

This online video is an interview with Roland Martin with CNN anchor Carol Costello, discussing the  issues surrounding what's know as the "Sand Your Ground Law" in FL.  The position of the NRA regarding the law is also discussed in this interview. 

Should the rest of the U.S. adopt this law as suggested by the NRA? You be the judge...

This has been Ralonda Green saying Jesus loves you, and signing out!