Mar 10, 2012

Pastor Mark Driscoll on marriage, sex

This pastor's book: Real Marriage  is very controversial.  I find it interesting and very uncommon that Driscoll would say that he was wrong for engaging in sexual activity before marriage.  How often in  our "American" society, do we hear men say that they were wrong for having sex out side of marriage...hardly never, if we're honest about it...

In this interview, Driscoll seems very firm in his convictions about his faith and what he believes God says how marriage is defined in the Bible. 

Morgan raises an unorthodox position when he makes the comment to Driscroll about how others may view Driscroll's conversion from "sexually active pre-marriage" to Christianity, when he says that others might view this as "sewing his wild oats" as a young male teenager and then becoming a tamed virgin after Christianity and "trying to punish them (young people) " for being sexually active. 

Driscroll seems to combat this view by restating his position that sexual activity should be within a marriage union and brings up statistics to support his case, which Morgan discusses his view on today's martial statistics as well; both agreed that marriages are in a negative state in this country.

Morgan brings up the issue of "submission" and how Driscoll's approach in his book might be counter to our today's culture.  Morgan makes the statement: "In a sense that, the man wants to have sex at any time..." to which Driscoll replied that he didn't agree with such a statement to any extent.

Driscoll explains to Morgan that he believes that there should be a mutual service between both parties (both the man and the woman) and that both should give themselves freely to one another -- no sense of hierarchy or abuse (by the man) within the relationship but a loving friendship between the two parties.

Morgan then brings up the question -- if women should stay primarily at home and be the main housekeeper and caregiver. Driscoll's response was that the issue depended upon the situations and circumstances surrounding certain families verses others; different families require different things.

The last issue Morgan wanted to tackle was contraception. He brought up how the Catholic community was not too positive on the idea of contraception in society, he wanted to know how Driscoll felt about the matter.  Driscoll talked about how he discusses the issue in his book Real Marriage and that, though he respects the viewpoints of the Catholic community, he himself however, takes on a different perspective.

For more on Pastor Mark Driscoll, please click: Mars Hill Church w/ Mark Driscoll

For the book Real Marriage: The Truth About Sex, Friendship, and Life Together visit:

Well, this as been "my-2-cents," I'm Ralonda Green saying God bless and signing-out! 


Mar 9, 2012

Bethke, Jeff. Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus. Performed by Jeff Bethke. 10 2012, Jan.

Here's a guy that really loves Jesus, this YouTube got popular over night, even Nightline interviewed  Jeff Bethke and he talked about his mission to tell people about Christ.

Now look, he's not talking about religion in the organized sense, he's talking about the "spirit of religion," a term that refers to the mundane, luke-warm, non-affective Christianity, that really isn't Christianity at all -- which is his point...

Please just listen with a grain of salt... it might surprise and inspire you...

For more of Bethke's Videos: Jeff Bethke's Website

This was "my-2-cents," until next time, God loves you and signing-out!

Mar 8, 2012

The Young Turks. Kirk Cameron Anti-Gay Views Brave? Piers Morgan., Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur , 2012.

I am pleased that anchors Kasparian and Uygur agree that Kirk Cameron does not deserve the backlash for taking a stand for what he believes in.  Too often you have situations where people choose to be too “politically-correct,” and fear being viewed as: bigoted, evil and hateful for just voicing out what they believe, as so many other groups do.

However, I don’t agree with Uygur’s statement that religious groups – especially Christians – set out to purposely pick out particular verses of scripture for the sole purpose of throwing it certain groups they hate. 
Real Christians, if I may, Christians don’t hate people – they stand on the Word of God.
Christians are not a group that has “chosen” to find scriptures’ of hate toward others…
If arguments are going to be made, they should be made fully understanding the other side. 

Mar 7, 2012

Media Spin-drom...

Holloywoodscoop TV. Kirk Cameron's Backlash For Anti-Gay Comments., Stephanie Bauer, 2012.
There are plenty of controversies and sensational media in the United States – especially in news media.

Religion has been the center of controversy within the news media lately: the Twitter feud between Kirk Cameron and Tracy Gold, as well as other related stories.

The media has fallen victim to sensationalism due in part to media ownership and an unrestrained thirst for unresolved conflict, cat-fights, and the “Jerry-Singerism mentality” of the gradual progression of yellow journalism and senseless-center content among other mediums.

Media coverage of religion – particularly Christianity – has often been twisted into a battle of words and/or a “boxing-match” between social groups against religious ideas and vice-verse.

A situation where religious groups feel unjustly criticized for their foundational beliefs and other groups made to feel unjustly represented and not respected for their ideologies by the latter.

Well, until next time -- I am Ralonda Green and this has been "my-2-cents," God loves you and signing-out!