Nov 29, 2012

The Truth about Organic Food

 If you are interested in knowing the difference between foods that are truly "organic" from those foods that are "not," listen to this guy -- David Getoff, VP of the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation...then make your own decision. YouTube from (note this video was from 5 years ago, however):

Whole Foods Caught! False Advertising Scandal Rocks The Web (published October 6, 2012)

 You maybe surprised by this news story about this shocking revelation about Whole Foods selling GM foods in its stores. The original YouTube can be accessed at:

.Bill Gates supports GMOs as "high-tech agriculture," February 2012, Bill Gates GMO interview (published 15, 2012)

Could pro-GMO professionals/scientists be changing terms such as "GMO to High-tech agriculture" to deceive us into buy/consuming these various products? Watch this YouTube ( and you be the judge. 

Animal Agriculture Myths and Facts

 This video is meant to introduce a new perspective about how farm animals are raised, treated, and cultivated in order to make it to the dinner table of consumers. An attempt at tearing down common myths associated with animal agriculture -- big business, mistreatment of animals, negative technology, etc-- in hopes at giving consumers a better understanding of farming is all about. But is this a marketing ploy in some way?...You decide; this YouTube can be found at:

Myth-Busting: Farming Today (published July 17, 2012)

 This video by the Myth-Busters might shed a more positive light on today's farming industry. It especially tackles some hard-hitting consumer concerns regarding the farming, cultivation, and handling of food in relation to today's farmer. Find this YouTube at: